
By invitation:

09/06/2017: Mulheres malvadas e violência familiar no conto tradicional, FCSH-NOVA, Portugal.

18/04/2016:  Darwin’s Legacy Tea Party. “Curiously parallel”: storytelling and phylogenetics”, FCUL, Lisbon, Portugal.

17-18/11/2014: Theo Murphy International Scientific Meeting, Royal Society “Evolutionary Analysis beyond the Gene”, Chicheley Hall, UK.

13/10/2014: Radio interview to Antena 2, in ‘Ciência 2’, presented by Ana Paula Ferreira. Link

23/11/13: “Phylogenetic Study of Folktales”, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany.

20/06/2013: “The Evolution of Folktales”, Durham University, UK.

07/06/2013: Keynote speaker, “Once upon a time, and a space: Building interdisciplinary and international research collaborations across the humanities, social sciences and sciences”, Keele University UK.

22/11/2010: “Phylogenetic Analyses and New trends in Cultural and Evolutionary Anthropology”, Colloquium “Life sciences, technologies and Imaginaries”, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

06/03/2010: “Charles Darwin and the Expression of Emotions”, Instituto de Educação e Cidadania (IEC), Mamarrosa, Portugal.

26/11/2009: “Darwin and Cultural Evolution”, Colloquium “Darwin, the Engineer”, INESC, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, University of Porto, Portugal.

12/11/08: “And now for Something Completely Different”: British Comedy and the Representation of Britishness”, British Culture Week VII , University of Porto, Portugal.

Other oral communications:

20/10/2017: “Morality and Emotion or why “this is a very complicated case. You know, a lot of ins, a lot of outs, a lot of what-have-you’s”, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon.

05/12/2013: “Alfred Russel Wallace: uma homenagem” at the annual conference ‘Ficcionalizações da Ciência na Grã-Bretanha III’, NOVA FCSH, Portugal.

07/06/2013: “Once Upon a Time, and a Space: Building Interdisciplinary and International Research Collaborations Across the Humanities, Social Sciences and Sciences” – Keele University, UK.

20/06/2013:  “The evolution of Foltakes”, Durham University, UK.

17&18/01/2013: “Ver para crer: o poder da imagem na ciência do século XIX”, International Conference “Artes e Ciências em Diálogo”, Universidade do Algarve.

21/06/2012: “Frog Kings and Other more Ordinary Frogs: why there is nothing heartless about being cold-blooded”, The Grimm Brothers Today Kinder- und Hausmärchen and Its Legacy, 200 Years After, IELT, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon, Portugal.

09/11/2012: “Ficcionalizações da Ciência na Grã-Bretanha II”, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon, Portugal.

10/03/2011: “Altos e Baixos” da Ciência Experimental no Século XIX: Frenologia, Género e a Moralização do Carácter em George Eliot”. Colloquium “Ficcionalizações da Ciência na Grã- Bretanha – Séculos XIX e XX” I, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon, Portugal).

02/07/2009: “The Law of Sexual Selection in Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s The Coming Race (1871): Gendering Utopia”, 10th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society (University of Porto, Portugal).

19/02/2009—21/02/09: “Undermining the Masculine Self in George Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss: Tom Tulliver and the Darwinian Inheritance”, APEAA 30th Annual Conference “Self, Memory and Expression”, University of Porto, Portugal.

01/09/08 to 03/09/08: “Performing Emotion: Masculine Subjectivity in Charles Darwin and George Eliot”, The British Association for Victorian Studies Ninth Annual Conference: “Victorian Feeling: Touch, Bodies, Emotions”, Leicester University, UK.

20/06/2008: “The Law of Sexual Selection in Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s The Coming Race (1871): Gendering Utopia”, University of Porto, Portugal.

31/08/2007 to 1/09/07: “Charles Darwin’s Sexual Selection and Dual Plots in Daniel Deronda: Masculine and Feminine (Un)conscious Performance”, Bristol University, UK.

11/06/2007: “Human and Animal Emotion in George Eliot and Charles Darwin: Implications for the Construction of Masculine (Im)balance”, Keele University, UK.

21/04/2006 to 22/04/2006: “Male Fatigue as the End of Fiction in George Eliot’s Novels”, Victorian Masculinities Conference, Birmingham and Keele Universities, UK.

25/02/2006: “Phrenology and Sexual Selection”, A One-Day Interdisciplinary Conference: Electrifying Experimentation: Science in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Sheffield University, UK.

16/06/2004: “Charles Darwin and George Eliot on the Monstrous”, Keele Graduate Symposium, Keele University, UK.