Participation in Projects

2018: Integrated member of IELT’S research line “Spatialities of Literature, Arts and Culture” which explores various modalities of the relationship among literature, tradition and space.

2016–Present: Member of IELT’S Editorial Comission.

2013–Present: Main organiser of the international colloquium “Morality and Emotion: (Un)conscious Journey to Being

2013 edition link
2014 edition link
2015 edition link
2016 edition link
2017 edition link

2015–2017: Founder and organiser of the interdisciplinary reading group “Evolution Across Disciplines” (NOVA, FCSH).

2017: Participation in the MA in Science Communication for the discipline ‘Técnicas e Práticas de Comunicação de Ciência’ (NOVA, FCSH) link

2015: Member of the organising committee for the international conference “We are the Folk” (October 22-24).

2012: Member of the organising committee for the international conference “Grimm in Lisbon” (June).

2012–2017: Member of the British Culture and History Group coordinated by Professor Gabriela Gândara Terenas, CETAPS, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon, Portugal.

2008–2012: Member of the international project ‘Mapping Dreams: British and North-American Utopianism’, coordinated by Professor Fátima Vieira/CETAPS, Porto University, Portugal.

2009: Organiser of the international conference on Darwin ‘(Dis)Entangling Darwin: Cross-Disciplinary Reflections on the Man and His Legacy‘, Porto University, Portugal. (December)

2009: Guide to the Darwin Exhibition ‘Evolution and Biodiversity’, (Reitoria, Porto).

2009: Special contributor to the launch of the Dictionary of Nineteenth Century Journalism, ed. by Laurel Brake and Marysa Demoor, London: Academia Press and British Library, 2009.